Data Science

Data Science

Data Science is the study of extracting meaningful insights from data. It is a forward-looking approach that focuses on analysing past or current data and predicting future outcomes with the aim of making informed decisions. Regardless of industry or size, organisations that wish to remain competitive in the age of big data need to efficiently develop and implement Data Science capabilities. Students of The School Of Entrepreneurship And Learning's Data Science program will grasp concepts like Big Data, understand the differences between Business Intelligence and Data Science, learn how to interpret different types of data, explore Data Science tools and observe the key trends impacting the future of Data Science. The program has four levels - Introduction, Intermediate, Advanced and Expert. Each level covers topics in Statistics, Coding, Modelling and Data Visualisation verticals.


  • UK accredited certification
  • Enhanced career opportunities
  • Practice with Data Science tools

Learning Outcomes

  • Understanding computer instructions and data types
  • Knowing how to manage a digital project
  • Being able to structure, manipulate and represent data
  • Being able to describe the Data Science process and how its components interact
  • Understanding database system concepts and concepts associated with the relational model using structured and unstructured data
  • Developing a database system using SQL
  • Learning to apply different types of data related questions and analytics patterns


STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) fresh graduates or those looking to upskill into Data Science. Knowledge of computer science, programming or a strong mathematics background is essential. Higher levels are available for more experienced Data Science practicionaires.