Entrepreneurship Essentials

Entrepreneurship Essentials 

Entrepreneurship Essentials helps participants turn an idea into a viable venture. Students will learn how entrepreneurs validate concepts through structured experiments, refine their business strategy and raise the capital necessary to create value and grow their business. The course is of immense benefit to both first-time entrepreneurs with a starting idea and those exploring the world of entrepreneurship.


  • Learn the language of the startup world
  • Gain an overarching framework to evaluate opportunities, manage startups and finance new ventures
  • See what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur and determine whether starting a business or working for a startup is the right path for you

The HBS Online Edge

  • World-class faculty
  • Edge-of-your-seat online learning
  • Global peer collaboration and networking
  • Real world, case-based learning

Key Learnings

  • Identifying a business opportunity
  • Evaluating an idea and assessing the market
  • Exploring the risks and rewards of entrepreneurship
  • Leveraging experiments to validate concepts and refining the business strategy
  • Discovering the key financial decisions to be made in the early stages of a startup
  • Understanding the process of raising capital and how to speak to investors


Minimum age of 18, English proficiency