Global Business 

Global Business 

Global Business helps participants assess opportunities, manage risk and create and capture value for their organisation. Students will explore the economic, political and social factors driving change, and learn how decisions affect global markets and their business.


  • Learn more about the broader macroeconomic and political landscape your organisation operates in, so that you can develop relevant business strategies
  • Gain the skills and knowledge to grow your business internationally and effectively manage global teams
  • Develop distinctive approaches and frameworks to navigate complex industries such as oil and gas, power, pharmaceuticals and financial services

The HBS Online Edge

  • World-class faculty
  • Edge-of-your-seat online learning
  • Global peer collaboration and networking
  • Real world, case-based learning

Key Learnings

  • Building a foundation in macroeconomics to make more informed business decisions
  • Identifying the challenges and opportunities that governments and politics can create for businesses from a strategic standpoint
  • Assessing the impact of macroeconomic, political and social indicators on business decisions
  • Discovering the short and long-term impact of interest rates, inflation, trade and investment
  • Learning distinctive approaches and frameworks that help view the world and organise information


Minimum age of 18, English proficiency