Negotiation Mastery 

Negotiation Mastery 

Negotiation Mastery equips participants with the skills to close deals that might otherwise be deadlocked, maximise value in agreements reached and resolve differences before they escalate into costly conflicts.


  • Hone your negotiation skills and develop strategies and techniques to achieve success at the bargaining table
  • Develop the skills needed to maximise value in your everyday life from negotiating a raise to buying a car
  • Gain the necessary skills and confidence to grow your career and successfully negotiate at work, on the job hunt or in day-to-day conversations

The HBS Online Edge

  • World-class faculty
  • Edge-of-your-seat online learning
  • Global peer collaboration and networking
  • Real world, case-based learning

Key Learnings

  • Understanding negotiation dynamics and how to prepare for uncertainty
  • Learning how to craft agile strategies and be quick on your feet in changing circumstances
  • Resolving small differences before they escalate
  • Securing maximum value for your organisation and yourself
  • Reflecting on personal behaviors and refining your approach to be more effective


Minimum age of 18, English proficiency